"Intruders" is a 2011 supernatural horror film directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and written by Nicolás Casariego and Jaime Marques.. The film features Clive Owen, Carice van Houten, Daniel Brühl, Pilar López de Ayala, Ella Purnell, Izan Corchero, Kerry Fox, and Héctor Alterio. The story is about a man and a woman who are trying to save their kids life from a monster called Hollow Face.
Though no one can see him, Hollow Face hides in the shadows, longing for love but only knowing how to spread fear and hatred.
Hollow Face creeps into the life of John Farrow in England after his 12-year-old daughter is assaulted in their home. In Spain, Hollow Face comes into the life of Luisa and her son Juan after Juan is attacked in their home. As fissures start to open within the family unit, the line between the real and the imaginary blurs. No security measure seems to be able to keep out Hollow Face.
Not to be confused with "The Intruders," a 2015 Canadian horror film directed by Adam Massey and written by Jason Juravic.
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